What do Hindu believe - Brahmā, Vishnu, and Shiva: Aspects of Brahman
Saguna Brahman—that is, Brahman with attributes—generally takes the form of one of three main Hindu deities: Brahmā, Vishnu, or Shiva.
- These personified forms of Brahman correspond to three stages in the cycle of the universe. Brahmā corresponds to the creative spirit from which the universe arises.
- Vishnu corresponds to the force of order that sustains the universe.
- Shiva corresponds to the force that brings a cycle to an end—destruction acting as a prelude to transformation, leaving pure consciousness from which the universe is reborn after destruction.
- Other forms of Ishvara widely worshiped by Hindus are Shakti, the female aspect of divinity, and Ganesha, the elephant-headed deity associated with the removal of obstacles.
- Brahman also may choose to take birth in a knowable form, or avatar (incarnation), to uphold dharma and restore balance to the world.
- Krishna, a well-known avatar of Vishnu, appears at times to save the world.
- Rāma, another well-known avatar of Vishnu, is the subject of the Hindu epic Rāmāyana (Way of Rāma).
- Fish (matsya),
- Tortoise (kūrma),
- Boar (varāha),
- Man lion (narasimha),
- Dwarf (vāmana),
- Axe-wielding human (Parashurāma),
- Ideal person (Rāma of the Rāmāyana),
- all-attractive perfect person (Krishna),
- the enlightened (Buddha),
- and a future incarnation (Kalkī).
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